Based on Acts 9:1-22.
Following the sermon, members (and visitors) of the congregation were invited to the alter for prayer.
Other references:
- Acts 22:3-16 - The story is told before the crows in Jerusalem (Paul's defence)
- Acts 26:4-18 - Paul's testimony before Agrippa
- Galations 1:12-17 - Paul speaks bodly of his call
- Philippians 3:4-4 - Everything for Christ
- 1 Timoth 1:12-16
- 1 Corinth 9:1
- Galations 1:16
- Acts 8:3 - Paul was still anxious to do more damange to the Christian community
- Acts 12:7 - Shining light as a sign of divine revelation
- Exodus: 3-16 - Shining light as a sign of divine revelation
- Isaiah 6 - Shining light as a sign of divine revelation
- Luke 3:22
- Luke 9:35 - Shining light as a sign of divine revelation